These parts are implemented on ARM1, cheap nike shoes and FPGA. In the implementation of the scheme, routing is divided into several modules. The dijkstra routing calculation module is simulated and tested to verify the implementation of the module.3) On the background of multi-interface wireless Mesh network, two improvements are made on the wedding dresses 2nd protocol which is proposed in the draft of 802.11s. On the one hand, extending the on-demand routing AODV in HWMP to multipaths routing protocol - MR-AODV-DM. MR-AODV-DM utilizes multipaths routing to enhance end-to-end bandwidth, searches interference disjoint multipaths which refer to hot women's dresses algorithm. Two problems in online shoes store algorithm are pointed out that the AODV-DM algorithm is difficult to find multipaths and multipaths still compete for the channel in the source node and destination node. MR-AODV-DM solved these problems, simulation results show that MR-AODV-DM can enhance end-to-end throughput multiply when the network’s whole load is slight. On the other hand, the routing metric in HWMP is improved to mETX which combines load balancing in ETX. The shop 4u blog for shirts be able to automatic sensing network’s congestion situation, and establish new paths avoiding the congested zone. The simulation results show that mETX could increase the network throughput effectively when the network suffered in heavy load.