EDTA is the chief constituent of chelation therapy, and is taken through intravenous or oral passage. In any way, the EDTA is directed onto the patients. This EDTA goes into the blood capillaries & combines the minerals & metals mutually & removes them to purify the blood. There are different theories about how the procedure takes place for different health states. One of the two theories says that the chemical EDTA gets connected with the active molecular fragments & the reactive free radicals. Both of them are toxic fragments & could harm the body cells & blood capillaries also. Another theory says that the chemical EDTA gets combined with calcium & other minerals. It begins a system that eventually recovers the state of blood capillaries & tissues.Under the experiments it has been inferred that with this therapy, EDTA aids in widening the choked blood capillaries & build them more flexible. Moreover, it decreases the inflammation inside the blood vessels & ends the procedure of formation of plaque. Also there are evidences showing that it is very much helpful in the cases of cataract & amnesia since the procedure purifies the body & vessels from heavy poisonous elements.Mainly this procedure is a steady natural procedure. It contains a number of procedures related to releasing of hormones & vitamins enzymes applying the same chelation procedure. The main difference between the chelation therapy relation procedure & the natural chelation procedure is that a number of helpful materials are released & incorporated in the natural chelation whereas in chelation therapy unnecessary poisonous materials are removed out from the body. The procedure is just the same however the outcome is not the same. But the outcomes are helpful for the upholding of fit and fine health.
The relentless pursuit of perfection
Poetry in motion,dancing close to me
Come to where the flavor is
the past is black and white
the future is always color
The relentless pursuit of perfection
Poetry in motion,dancing close to me
Come to where the flavor is
the past is black and white
the future is always color