In the improved PSO alogrithm we solved the abrupt change of speed and make it suitable to be used in mobility model of ad hoc network, this paper lace wedding dresses introduced the conception of acceleration and environmental variable into the updating formulas of the velocity and displacement of the PSO algorithm, and proposed to decompose its cheap evening dresses velocity and the displacement under rectangular coordinate system(2) We established a new mobility model based on the improved PSO algorithm, which included the obstacle model, the custom made prom dresses velocity initialization function and the boundless area. When the nodes come to an obstacle, it will round the obstacle according to some rules. We also blog lace wedding dresses initialize the distribution for the nodes. (3) We have proved the validity of the imoroved PSO algorithm in Matlab. To testify the actual application of the sell discount wedding dresses new mobility model, we made experiments in OPNET, which shows the plus size wedding dresses performance parameters of the ad hoc network, such as the packet delivery rate、average end-to-end delay、throughput and network load, under the new mobility model were significantly better than the random waypoint mobility model (RWM).
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